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This deck is limited edition and printed in 2019 as a small reproduction done by Il Mengehello. Sealed and comes with english version of the book.



Immerse yourself in Milan of the 1400s with this beautiful il Mengehello handmade reproduction of the Visconti Sforza Deck.  It took a few more centuries for decks to be specifically associated with cartomancy but readers will find many recognizable archetypical images in the procession of ‘triumphs’ and It’s easy to see why many believe this the oldest known Tarot deck.  The art for the four missing cards (Devil, Tower, Knight of Coins, and Three of Swords) was skilfully recreated by Giovanni Scarsato.

The original deck is currently divided into two public collections and one private. 35 cards are housed by the Academy of Carrara in Bergamo, 26 cards are kept by the Pierpoint Morgan Library in New York and 12 cards are with the Colleoni family in Bergamo. The four missing cards have been recreated with respect to the artistic style of the original creator

Tarocchi Visconti Sforza Book Set Il Meneghello 2019

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